
Little big personalised presents boutique

We looooove making presents, but not just any present. Forget the tickets to the opera or the fanciest dinner at the coolest restaurant. That’s all good, and you can still do that… as a plus.

We’re talking about a present your loved ones will never forget and will revisit over and over again.

We think with you, absorb all of the information we can, and create not just the ideal present for your loved one, nope, we’re never happy with JUST that: we produce the most ideal, most personalised present EVER.
We then add a bit of our very special powder and… ‘voilà’! Together we deliver the most magical moment for your loved ones.

It might be a video, a book, a letter, a drawing, a performance, an event, a song… The sky’s the limit when it comes to imagination and every person is unique, so we start from scratch with each story.
Every occasion is different too. It could be a birthday, a unique marriage proposal, a group present for a couple getting married, a baby shower, or any other kind of celebration…

You tell us your story, we give you our imagination.
Together we make your people feel happiness at its fullest.

And how do we do that? Easy… The little birdies tell us the steps we take with you:

Step 1 – Contact.
This is your cue to make the first move. Sorry. We know it’s easier to wait in ‘bar pose’ looking cool, but this time you’ll have to ask us to dance. 

Step 2 – Talk.
We love this step. We get to know you and the person(s) you want to give the present to. We’ll ask you about their story, your story together, their likes and dislikes, guilty pleasures, and any detail we can use to create the most unique present possible. Or, if you have any ideas yourself, we’ll throw that in the mix and see where the conversation goes.

Step 3 – Think and share.
We gather everything you’ve told us, chew on it for a bit, and then share the ideas we come up with that we think will work for the occasion. And, of course, we tell you how much it will cost to make it happen.

Step 4 – Say YES! to the dress.
Man, we LOVE this step. When you get back to us and give us that big and happy YES, LET’S DO THIS!

Step 5 – Work.
Our bread and butter. The moment we enjoy the most. When we finally get to see the shape of everything we have talked through and imagined in our brains.

Step 6 – Happiness.
This is the moment we live (and work) for. When we deliver our little big baby: the present.
There’s only one thing we love even more: when you tell us the present has been a complete and utter success!