The story of our story

After 1 year together, Julia wanted to surprise her boyfriend with a book of drawings depicting their love story. Inner jokes, funny episodes, charming moments, a love story only these two know all about. Well, we also know some of it now...!


  • Ink
  • Pencil colours
  • Collage


Thank you Julia for giving us so many inspiring details and anecdotes


I love how the drawings were done with such attention to detail. They illustrate our greatest hits as a couple!

Julia, Barcelona

As we all know, a love story is filled with good moments, bad moments, and everything in between. Julia wanted to have them all in a book so she and her boyfriend could remember their first year together. 

She shared with us the good, the bad, and the ugly. And believe us, they had everything from big adventures to small beautiful moments. We drew them with all our love and care, trying to do justice to this beautiful love story. 

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