
Videos, drawings, songs, events... each present is a unique experience, tailor-made for each occasion. Take a peek at some of our little big projects.

Welcome Emilia

Welcome Emilia

I wanted something emotional for Laura, but I'm really not creative at all... They guided me, which was great, and, after explaining our story, they portrayed it in such cute drawings... Laura loved it!

Marc, Dubai

Martí & Vicens got married

Martí & Vicens got married

The story of our story

The story of our story

Carla & Jordi's invitation

Carla & Jordi's invitation

Unforgettable, amazing, shockingly surprising, thrilling... I don't have enough words! It was unique. A once in a lifetime present!

Saül, Barcelona

Jordi's Voucher

Jordi's Voucher

Laura's wedding surprise

Laura's wedding surprise

Pau without Ju

Pau without Ju

Saül's 7 Balls

Saül's 7 Balls

Joan's patisserie

Joan's patisserie